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What computer is the most cost-effective to use as a marketing robot?

Having a marketing robot is like having soldiers who can fight for us, helping us to attract customers and generate revenue. If we deploy many soldiers and build a strong army, we can create endless avenues for making money.

Marketing robots need to be installed on computers running the Microsoft Windows operating system. However, commercially available personal computers tend to be large and power-hungry. Although they can be used as marketing robots, it is not easy to deploy them widely and in large numbers.

TV Sticks

Thanks to the famous Moore's Law, computer chip technology is advancing rapidly, allowing for the creation of computers as small as a lipstick, commonly known as TV sticks. As the name suggests, they can be plugged into a TV and transformed into a fully functional personal computer. When connected with a mouse and keyboard, they operate similarly to regular computers. While the CPU speed of TV stick computers may not be very fast and their built-in memory may not be as much as regular computers, they are more than adequate for use as marketing robots. Additionally, they have the following advantages:

Energy Efficiency

Traditional computers consume 200-250W (watts) of power, while TV stick computers consume only one-thirteenth of that, about 18W. Even when widely deployed, there is no need to worry about high power loads or expensive electricity bills.

Compact Size

TV stick computers measure approximately 16.5mm (height) x 36mm (width) x 135mm (length), making them smaller than half your palm, and they can easily fit into your pocket without being noticeable. Their small size saves space, and they can be stacked for mass deployment without issue.

Built-in SSD

TV stick computers come with built-in SSDs, which have fast read speeds and are not prone to the vibration issues that can cause traditional hard drives to fail. Using SSD-equipped TV sticks ensures smooth operation for marketing robots.

Genuine Windows 10

Now, you can legally use a genuine Microsoft Windows operating system, as TV stick computers come with the latest version of Windows 10 in Chinese pre-installed.

Affordable Price

Regular computers usually cost at least NT$10,000, and prices above NT$20,000 are common. Fortunately, TV stick computers are very affordable, with market prices around NT$4,500. Even with mass deployment, it won't hurt your wallet.

Wireless Networking

TV stick computers are equipped with the latest 802.11ac Wi-Fi, so there’s no need to run cables, saving on wiring costs. Data transfer speeds are fast and stable.

Recommended Product

After discussing all these advantages, we unanimously recommend using the ASUS VivoStick PC (TS10) TV stick computer from the well-known international brand ASUS.

ASUS VivoStick PC (TS10)

Where to Buy?

Based on market research and price comparison, we recommend purchasing directly from the online shopping website of COSTCO. The price is NT$4,499, including tax and shipping, and if you buy today, it will arrive tomorrow. This is currently the cheapest price available online, and you can return it unconditionally if you're not satisfied.

How to Use?

Plug the TV stick computer into the HDMI port of a TV or computer monitor, then connect a USB mouse and keyboard to start using it. Next, install the marketing robot software. Once it's up and running, you can disconnect the monitor, keyboard, and mouse; the marketing robot will still function without these devices, allowing it to focus on its work.

You can also install remote monitoring software to control the marketing robot in the TV stick over the internet.

Recommended Remote Monitoring Software

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